Digital Electronics - Digital System Projects Using HDL

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Learn and practise solving Digital Electronics questions and answers section on "Digital System Projects Using HDL" to enhance your skills so that you can clear interviews, competitive examinations, and various entrance tests (CAT, GATE, GRE, MAT, bank exams, railway exams, etc.) with full confidence.

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Here you can find multiple-choice Digital Electronics questions and answers based on "Digital System Projects Using HDL" for your placement interviews and competitive exams. Objective-type and true-or-false-type questions are given too.

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How do I solve Digital Electronics quiz problems based on "Digital System Projects Using HDL"?

You can easily solve Digital Electronics quiz problems based on "Digital System Projects Using HDL" by practising the given exercises, including shortcuts and tricks.

Exercise : Digital System Projects Using HDL - General Questions
In a frequency counter, what happens at high frequencies when the sampling interval is too long?
The counter works fine.
The counter undercounts the frequency.
The measurement is less precise.
The counter overflows.
Answer: Option
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In the digital clock project, when does the PM indicator go high?
Going from 11:59:59 to 12:00:00
Going from 12:59:59 to 01:00:00
On the falling edge of the clock after enable goes high
Answer: Option
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How is the output frequency related to the sampling interval of a frequency counter?
Directly with the sampling interval
Inversely with the sampling interval
More precision with longer sampling interval
Less precision with longer sampling interval
Answer: Option
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In an HDL application of a stepper motor, after an up/down counter is built what is done next?
Build the sequencer
Test it on a simulator
Test the decoder
Design an intermediate integer variable
Answer: Option
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In a digital clock application, the basic frequency must be divided down to:
1 Hz.
60 Hz.
100 Hz.
1000 Hz.
Answer: Option
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