Data Interpretation - Bar Charts - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Bar Charts - Bar Chart 15 (Q.No. 4)
Directions to Solve
Study the following bar chart and answer the questions carefully.
Sales Turnover of 5 Companies (in Rs. crores)
What should have been the sales turnover of GM in 2002 - 2003 to have shown an excess of the same quantum over 2001 - 2002 as shown by the sales turnover of Maruti ?
Answer: Option
GM should have increased its sales turnover by Rs.49.13 crore. Hence, the answer is 913.63 + 49.13 = 962.76.
15 comments Page 2 of 2.
Deepu said:
5 years ago
All of you are giving the wrong answers how did you taking numbers in decimals like 731.11, 913.63,49.13 you bluffing the answers. I think all the options are wrong I am getting a different answer
Kunsel said:
4 years ago
How come 731.110 and 913.63?
Please, explain it clearly.
Please, explain it clearly.
Kunsel said:
4 years ago
How to calculate the turnover of the GM in 2002-2003? Please explain me.
Phuntsho said:
4 years ago
What is mean by same Quantum?
Vaishnavi said:
11 months ago
Can anyone explain this question? I can't understand this.
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