Current Affairs - Politics - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Politics - Latest Current Affairs (Q.No. 8)
Who has been appointed as the new Prime Minister of Mali after Choguel Maiga's dismissal?
Answer: Option
Abdoulaye Maiga, the junta's spokesperson and a trusted ally, has taken over as Mali's new Prime Minister following Choguel Maiga's removal. This transition occurred on November 21, 2024, amidst growing criticism of the junta's handling of the promised transition to democracy. Abdoulaye Maiga's appointment reflects the junta's effort to consolidate power amidst rising dissent. As a lieutenant colonel in the Malian National Gendarmerie, Maiga has been a key figure in the military government, previously serving as Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation. His close alignment with the junta suggests a more compliant leadership to advance their objectives during the transitional period.
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