Computer Science - Object Oriented Programming Using C++ - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Object Oriented Programming Using C++ - Section 3 (Q.No. 3)
The two statements that can be used to change the flow of control are
9 comments Page 1 of 1.
Sumaiya said:
7 years ago
D is right! Because break and continue help to controles flow of data not if & swich.
Shaheen K M said:
8 years ago
The correct answer is Option D.
Wazir sikandar said:
8 years ago
Switch and break statement controls data flow.
So A answer is wrong.
So A answer is wrong.
Renuka said:
8 years ago
Break and continue flow control statement that's why I think D option is correct.
Ali said:
9 years ago
There is a statement not function so break and continue is right.
Sharon said:
9 years ago
Because if and switch statements are the two statements that are used to control of change the flow of control.
Sharon said:
9 years ago
Because switch is the function that is used to control the "flow of control".
Rakhi said:
1 decade ago
Yes. I too have same doubt. Which is correct?
Stuti said:
1 decade ago
Why not C. Break and continue ?
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