Civil Engineering - UPSC Civil Service Exam Questions

A clay soil specimen when tested in unconfined condition gave an unconfined compressive strength of 100 kN/m2. A specimen of the same clay with the same initial condition is subjected to a UU triaxial test under a cell pressure of 100 kN/m2. The axial stress (in kN/m2) at failure would be
Answer: Option
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A propped cantilever of span 4 m is fixed at A and propped at B. The beam carries a u.d.l. of 1 t/m over the entire span. The reaction at B is
5/2 t
2 t
1 t
3/2 t
Answer: Option
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The spacing of tile drains to relieve water-logged land is directly proportional to the
depth of drain below the ground surface
depth of impervious strata from the drain
depth of drain below the water level
coefficient of permeability of the soil to be drained
Answer: Option
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Four bolts share the load P as shown in the figure. The shearc strength of bolt is 30 kN and tension strength of bolt is 40 kN. Which one of the following is the value of P ?
96 kN
105 kN
117 kN
134 kN
Answer: Option
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The object of chain and cross-staff survey is to
1. locate the boundaries of an area.
2. plot the figure to a scale.
3. find the area of the plot.
4. find the reduced levels of the plot.
Which of the above statements is/are correct ?
1, 2, 3 and 4
1, 2 and 3
1 and 2
4 alone
Answer: Option
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