Civil Engineering - Surveying - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Surveying - Section 7 (Q.No. 48)
If D is the degree of the curve of radius R, the exact length of its specified chord, is
radius of the curve x sine of half the degree
diameter of the curve x sine of half the degree
diameter of the curve x cosine of half the degree
diameter of the curve x tangent of half the degree.
Answer: Option
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3 comments Page 1 of 1.

Ajayabehera said:   7 years ago
How? Explain.

Biswadut said:   7 years ago
Length of the specified chord is 2Rsin delta/2= D sin delta/2.

So B is the correct answer.

Nabin Khadka said:   4 years ago
Thank you @Biswadut.

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