Civil Engineering - Surveying - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Surveying - Section 7 (Q.No. 50)
If the chain line which runs along N-S direction is horizontal and the ground in E-W direction is sloping
it is possible to set offsets correctly on east side
it is possible to set offsets correctly on east side
it is not possible to set offsets correctly on west side
it is possible to set offsets correctly on both sides.
Answer: Option
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3 comments Page 1 of 1.

Nishant garg said:   3 years ago
Offset is the perpendicular distance taken from either side of the chain line running in a particular direction.

In our case, chain line runs along the N-S direction, so offset will be taken either right of N-S direction i.e. towards east side or left of N-S direction i.e.towards west side.

Ankit kumar said:   7 years ago
How? anyone explain me.

Pankaj said:   5 years ago
Please explain it.

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