Civil Engineering - Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering - Section 1 (Q.No. 39)
The seepage force in a soil, is
6 comments Page 1 of 1.
Sumit R said:
2 years ago
F = (unit weight of water)x h
F = (unit weight of water)×(h/L).L
F = i.L.(unit weight)
F is directly proportional to "i".
F = (unit weight of water)×(h/L).L
F = i.L.(unit weight)
F is directly proportional to "i".
Ashish said:
6 years ago
Seepage occur due to head difference. If head is more seepage is more. And if head is more then hydraulic gradient also more (i=h/l).
Shobhit said:
6 years ago
How it is proportional to exit gradient?
Uddipan medhi said:
7 years ago
Seepage force acts along flow lines. i.e When flow occurs from u/s to d/s below the base of the foundation or structure. So the opt A is correct also B and C too.
Seepage force acts along flow lines. i.e When flow occurs from u/s to d/s below the base of the foundation or structure. So the opt A is correct also B and C too.
Ravi said:
7 years ago
Seepage force is acting in downward direction and equipotential line are perpendicular to flow line. . So how op. A is correct?
Mkr maveen said:
9 years ago
Equipotential lines are perpendicular to flow lines and than the seepage occur below the dam, the see page flow parallel to that of flow lines exit gradient = dh/dl.
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