Civil Engineering - RCC Structures Design - Discussion
Discussion Forum : RCC Structures Design - Section 1 (Q.No. 3)
As per I.S. 456 - 1978, the pH value of water shall be
23 comments Page 2 of 3.
Khalid said:
9 years ago
The pH value of water should be not less than 6.
If that type of water used in concrete it leads corrosion because cement can hold all the concrete ingredient if the pH Value around 11.
If that type of water used in concrete it leads corrosion because cement can hold all the concrete ingredient if the pH Value around 11.
Manas Nayak said:
9 years ago
As per I.S. 456-1978, the pH value of water shall be not less than 6. The pH Value of the water shall be in the range between 6.5 and 8.5.
Aamir said:
9 years ago
The pH value of the water shall be in the range between 6.5 and 8.5.
Amaran Radha said:
9 years ago
Can anyone say the maximum permissible ph of water used for construction activity?
Suryateja said:
10 years ago
Because beyond 6 (i.e <6) the water become acidic which deteriorates the cement or concrete.
Bikash said:
1 decade ago
But we use IS 456:2000 code book, (the pH value of water shall be not less than 6). So the answer is C.
Bikash said:
1 decade ago
But IS 446:2000, Clause 5.4.2 (the pH value of water shall be not less then 6). So the correct answer is C.
Prakash said:
1 decade ago
We can easily say that acidity of water organic matters is to known the under less than 7.
D.GMurthy said:
1 decade ago
Yes water shall be free from bases and acids so ph = 7.
Rishabh said:
1 decade ago
Acidic and basic content of water is harmful for the structure. So we can use water with ph value 7.
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