Civil Engineering - RCC Structures Design - Discussion
Discussion Forum : RCC Structures Design - Section 1 (Q.No. 5)
Post tensioning system
43 comments Page 1 of 5.
8 years ago
Post-tensioning is a form of prestressing. Prestressing simply means that the steel is stressed (pulled or tensioned) before the concrete has to support the service loads. Most precast, prestressed concrete is actually pre-tensioned-the steel is pulled before the concrete is poured. Post-tensioned concrete means that the concrete is poured and then the tension is applied but it is still stressed before the loads are applied so it is still prestressed.
Ashok said:
9 years ago
After hardening of concrete, the stretched tendons are released. Hence it will try to regain its position and the hardened concrete will not allow tendons to its original position. This whole setup is known as post-tensioned prestress concrete.
Also there is no contact with tendon and concrete.
Also there is no contact with tendon and concrete.
Tekalign said:
9 years ago
Option C is correct. Post tensioning is one methods of prestressing concrete. It is casting concrete first by providing conduit in it, after the concrete is cure enough providing tendons through the conduit and tensioning by using anchor at the two ends abutments.
Lahari said:
6 years ago
Yeah, the answer is option C. Because in post-tensioning any shape of cable can be provided Hence it is structurally advantageous for Longer spans to resist the loads Also the losses are less and is economical for large span structures like Flyovers and Bridges.
Samyukta said:
9 years ago
Post-tensioning is a method of reinforcing concrete or other materials with high strength steel bars. Post-tensioning applications include office and apartment buildings, parking structures, sports stadiums, rock and soil anchors & water tanks.
K.Adinarayana said:
8 years ago
Post-tensioning is a technique for reinforcing concrete. Post-tensioning tendons, which are prestressing steel cables inside plastic ducts or sleeves, are positioned in the forms before the concrete is placed.
Dileeep said:
9 years ago
Post tensioning is economical for large spans and it reduces the size of section and as well reduction in deadweight. So load on the structural member is reduced due to its self weight reduction.
Mani deepak grandhi said:
10 years ago
It reduces self weight there by reducing bending moment and shear force, increase gap between moment of resistance and bending moment, the research is being carried out still on this process.
Miss Rupali said:
1 decade ago
For post tensioning, while concreting any member ducts are provided intentionally through which the tendons are kept in tension will give to the member after hardening of concrete.
Umamahesh.D said:
1 decade ago
Now a days prestressing by post tensioning method is most economical for large spans especially for bridges. Lesser the dead load more the resisting capacity.
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