Civil Engineering - Irrigation

Exercise : Irrigation - Section 2
The velocity of drainage water in the barrels of a syphon-aqueduct, is normally limited to
1 to 2 m per second
2 to 3 m per second
3 to 4 m per second
4 to 5 m per second.
Answer: Option
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A fall in a canal bed is generally provided, if
ground slope exceeds the designed bed slope
designed bed slope exceeds the ground slope
ground slope is practically the same as the designed bed slope
none of these.
Answer: Option
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According to Khosla, the exist gradient of surface flow
depends upon the b/d ratio
is independent of the b/d ratio
is independent of the depths of d/s cut off walls
none of these.
Answer: Option
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Pick up the correct statement from the following:
Gravity water is harmful to crops
Hygroscopic water remains attached to soil molecules by chemical bond
Capillary moisture held in the soil pores against gravity by surface tension, is utilised by plants
All the above.
Answer: Option
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If the irrigation efficiency is 80%, conveyance losses are 20% and the actual depth of watering is 16 cm, the depth of water required at the canal outlet, is
10 cm
15 cm
20 cm
25 cm
30 cm
Answer: Option
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