Civil Engineering - Highway Engineering - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Highway Engineering - Section 6 (Q.No. 3)
Maximum number of vehicles that can pass a given point on a lane during one hour without creating unreasonable delay, is known as
traffic density of lane
basic capacity of lane
probable capacity of lane
practical capacity of lane.
Answer: Option
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10 comments Page 1 of 1.

DUTESH KUMAR said:   9 years ago
Practical capacity of lane.

Bikash Kabiraj said:   8 years ago
The Maximum number of vehicle----practical capacity.

The Maximum number of passenger cars----basic capacity.

Naren said:   8 years ago
Answer is possible capacity.

For practical capacity it's "with unreasonable delay".

Naveen Kallan said:   7 years ago
Yes, it is Possible capacity.

Sankha said:   7 years ago
Basic capacity is the maximum number of vehicles (PCU) that can pass a given point on a lane or roadway during one hour under the most nearly ideal roadway and traffic conditions which can possibly be attained. Two roads have same physical features will have same basic capacities irrespective of the traffic conditions.

Possible Capacity is the maximum number of vehicles which can pass a given point on a lane or highway during one hour under the prevailing roadway and traffic conditions.

This means that the possible capacity of a highway will always be lower than the basic capacity unless the prevailing conditions of the traffic, approach the ideal conditions. Therefore the possible capacity may vary from 0 to the maximum, i.e., Basic capacity.

Practical Capacity is the maximum number of the vehicle that can pass a given point on a lane or roadway during one hour, without traffic density being so great as to cause unreasonable delay, hazard or restriction to the driver's freedom to manoeuvre under the prevailing roadway and traffic conditions.

Roy said:   6 years ago

(Ideal)=basic capacity,
(prevailing)=possible capacity &
(unreasonable delay)=practical capacity.

Ravishankar said:   6 years ago
Good, Thanks @Roy.

Pawan said:   6 years ago
Thanks @Bikash Kabiraj.

@pcivilian said:   4 years ago
Here it is saying "without creating un delay".

The answer may not be correct!

Akp said:   4 years ago
Answer B is right 100%.

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