Civil Engineering - GATE Exam Questions
Exercise : GATE Exam Questions - Section 4
At the same mean velocity, the ratio of head loss per unit length for a sewer pipe flowing full to that for the same pipe flowing half full would be :
As per IS : 800-1984 the minimum pitch of rivets in a row is recommended as the diameter of the rivet times
The ordinate of the Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH) of a catchment at any time t, is
Water emerges from an ogee spillway with velocity 13.72 m/s and depth = 3.0 m at its toe. The tail water depth required to form a hydraulic jump at the toe is
In a BOD test, 5 ml of waste is added to 295 ml of aerated pure water. Initial dissolved oxygen (D.O) content of the diluted sample is 7.8 mg/l. After 5 days of incubation at 20°C, the D.O. content of the sample is reduced to 4.4 mg/l. The BOD of the waste water is :
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