Civil Engineering - Building Materials - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Building Materials - Section 1 (Q.No. 4)
Pick up the polymineralic rock from the following:
Answer: Option
Granite is a polymineralic rock, which means it is composed of a mixture of minerals. Granite is typically made up of quartz, feldspar, and mica, as well as smaller amounts of other minerals. The different minerals in granite give it a variety of colors and patterns, ranging from white to pink to black.
38 comments Page 1 of 4.
Gaurav Bastola said:
3 years ago
Granite is a hard rock.
Chandan said:
4 years ago
Polymineralic rocks are rocks formed by more than one type of rock-forming minerals. The rheology of polymineralic rocks is complex as the various minerals within the rock have different deformational behaviors (e.g. Deformation mechanisms, activation energies).
Nadir baloch said:
4 years ago
Mineral is a component of rock.
Bhumika said:
5 years ago
What is the difference between minerals and rocks?
Mahesh said:
5 years ago
It Consists of More than one rock.
Mukesh yadav said:
6 years ago
Granite = mica, felspar, quartz, amphibole.
Pure gypsum = only mineral of sulphates.
Magnesite = mineral which has nickel, iron, cobalt, manganese as an admixture.
Pure gypsum = only mineral of sulphates.
Magnesite = mineral which has nickel, iron, cobalt, manganese as an admixture.
Dhana said:
6 years ago
Granite is a polyminerallic igneous rock which consists of minerals like quartz, feldspar and mica.
Emran khan said:
6 years ago
Granite is a polymineralic rock because the main composition of granite is Sillica, mica, quarts.
So granite is polymineralic rock.
So granite is polymineralic rock.
Sandip sau said:
7 years ago
Monomineralic rock is quartzite and polymineralic rock is granite.
Niraj kumar said:
7 years ago
Quartz sand is mineral not a rock.
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