Civil Engineering - Building Materials - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Building Materials - Section 3 (Q.No. 5)
The hardest rock is
7 comments Page 1 of 1.
Ganesh Chaudhary said:
3 years ago
Explain the right answer.
Sreejith Nair said:
9 years ago
A rock formed by only one mineral is called Monomineralic rock and several minerals are polymineralic rock.
Mujahid hussain said:
9 years ago
Diamonds are minerals, and also refined form of mineral which we naturally occurring.
Nawaz ikram said:
9 years ago
Diamonds are not a rock. They are a mineral. Minerals are a "naturally occurring, inorganic (not alive) solid, they also have a crystal-shaped structure.
Rocks are a little different. They contain one or more minerals, but are not minerals themselves. Granite, for instance, is made of quartz and other minerals, often feldspar and biotite.
Rocks are a little different. They contain one or more minerals, but are not minerals themselves. Granite, for instance, is made of quartz and other minerals, often feldspar and biotite.
Mukunda said:
10 years ago
Answer will be thinner.
1 decade ago
Since it is a natural mineral, we can consider diamond as a rock.
Extra said:
1 decade ago
Is diamond a rock?
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