Civil Engineering - Building Construction - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Building Construction - Section 4 (Q.No. 6)
To construct a 10 cm thick partition wall, you will prefer
6 comments Page 1 of 1.
Hikmat Ullah said:
3 years ago
As the question says a wall of thickness 10 cm (4" inch), so then it is impossible to use any bond other than stretcher bond. Because the other bonds will exceed the thickness limit of 10 cm.
Kaalu said:
4 years ago
10 cm thick means brick laid with along the length of wall. which Means by viewing the front side of the wall, You see the stretcher side of the brick. Hence thickness has to 10 cm.
Engr. Noman said:
5 years ago
I agreed. Stretcher bond when the wall having stretcher bond is built it will have thickness of 9 cm almost 10 cm. But in case of header bond it will be 19 cm or any other bond type.
Netha said:
5 years ago
Upto 9cm header bond.
>9cm stretcher bond.
>9cm stretcher bond.
Loks said:
6 years ago
How it is a stretcher bond. Please, anybody explain me.
Khan said:
7 years ago
Why stretcher bond? Anybody explain it.
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