Civil Engineering - Building Construction - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Building Construction - Section 4 (Q.No. 1)
To stagger vertical joints in successive courses of a wall, a piece of brick is generally used at the end of the course, which is known as
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Shahzaib Rao said:   3 years ago
@Mjm Gcek.

In English, Bond Staggering is done by providing queen closer after first brick in Header Course.

While in Dutch, Bond Staggering is done by providing 3/4 bat at the start in the stretcher course.

MJM Gcek said:   3 years ago
I think it depends on the type of course whether it's in stretcher or header type course.

If anyone have a correct explanation please give details.

Mohit said:   7 years ago
3/4 bat is also used to stagger vertical joints.

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