Chemical Engineering - Fluid Mechanics - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Fluid Mechanics - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
The fluid property, due to which, mercury does not wet the glass is
45 comments Page 2 of 5.
Mishree Lal said:
4 years ago
Surface tension is correct. I agree.
Nilesh said:
4 years ago
Mercury does not wet glass - the cohesive forces within the drops are stronger than the adhesive forces between the drops and glass. When liquid mercury is confined in a tube, its surface (meniscus) has a convex shape because the cohesive forces in liquid mercury tend to draw it into a drop.
RaveendraNani said:
6 years ago
Cohesion is absolutely right answer. Forces between mercury is greater than adhesion forces.
Vishaka said:
6 years ago
Cohesion is the correct answer. Because cohesion means cohesion meansCLES OF SAME SUBSTANCE. And Mercury has more cohesive property.
Ak Akash said:
6 years ago
Cohesion is the correct answer.
Mohit said:
6 years ago
The reason is cohesion. Due to cohesive force between the molecules of mercury droplet it shows high surface tension and which is also the cause of capillary fall in capillary tube. Higher the cohesiveness lesser the tendency to wet the surface.
Mukesh said:
6 years ago
It's cohesion.
Ssk said:
6 years ago
When liquid water is confined in a tube, its surface (meniscus) has a concave shape because water wets the surface and creeps up the side. Mercury does not wet glass - the cohesive forces within the drops are stronger than the adhesive forces between the drops and glass. Then what's the correct answer?
Jammy said:
5 years ago
Cohesion is the correct answer.
Akil Suhail said:
5 years ago
I think Cohesion, surface tension is produced by cohesion. Cohesion is attractive force within the same type molecules, of this opposite is adhesion.
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