Chemical Engineering - Fluid Mechanics - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Fluid Mechanics - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
The fluid property, due to which, mercury does not wet the glass is
surface tension
Answer: Option
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45 comments Page 5 of 5.

Surya Teja said:   8 years ago
Surface tension is a result of cohesive forces. So, cohesion may be the suitable answer.

Yadav g said:   8 years ago
I think cohesion is the correct answer.

Avtar Singh said:   8 years ago
Yes, surface tension includes fluids cohesive forces, Cohesion is the property in which liquid molecules attract each other and remain a continuous mass. So true answer is surface tension.

Ramu said:   8 years ago
Cohesion is correct answer.

Hari said:   8 years ago
Compared to adhesive forces cohesive forces more in mercury.

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