Chemical Engineering - Fluid Mechanics - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Fluid Mechanics - Section 1 (Q.No. 5)
Head developed by a centrifugal pump depends on its
13 comments Page 1 of 2.
Kishore said:
1 decade ago
When the speed and impeller's dia is high then high vacumn create inside the impeller and a good head is develop.
Dileep said:
1 decade ago
What is meant by head?
Sajawal khan said:
1 decade ago
Energy divide by its weight is called head. Unit of head is m.
Karthik said:
1 decade ago
Discharge press is directly proportional to pump head.
This discharge press depends on impeller dia and rpm(velocity).
This discharge press depends on impeller dia and rpm(velocity).
Muhammad khurram Altaf said:
1 decade ago
As the diameter increases, the centrifugal force tends to increase which results in increase in head of a fluid.
Rama Krishna said:
9 years ago
Head means the pump discharge the liquid at the maximum height is called head it is dependence on its speed (consider the all friction losses).
9 years ago
Because HEAD is direct proportional speed N.
Shubham said:
9 years ago
How to calculate total head?
Alok said:
9 years ago
Head = (impeller blade velocity at outlet/g) [impeller blade velocity at outlet-Q/ (peripheral area of impeller * tanB) ].
Since peripheral area includes a diameter of the impeller so the answer is both A and B therefor option is correct.
Since peripheral area includes a diameter of the impeller so the answer is both A and B therefor option is correct.
Kirstos said:
8 years ago
What is meant by impeller?
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