C Programming - Control Instructions - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Control Instructions - Point Out Errors (Q.No. 9)
Point out the error, if any in the program.
int main()
    int a = 10, b;
    a >=5 ? b=100: b=200;
    printf("%d\n", b);
    return 0;
Error: L value required for b
Garbage value
Answer: Option

Variable b is not assigned.

It should be like:

b = a >= 5 ? 100 : 200;

33 comments Page 1 of 4.

Pradeep said:   2 years ago
Here, L VALUE Error because only one time initialise b takes value 100, only for second-time b before need L VALUE.

Rishikesh Sonawane said:   3 years ago
1) Ternary operator has high precedence than "=".
2) So the compiler is , taking it as , ((a >=5) ? b=100: b)=200;
Hence the error Lvalue required.

Pranali said:   7 years ago

Because you are printing the value of b, so it will print 1.

Nikhil g said:   8 years ago
Why to use parentheses? How compiler will get to know end of expressions based on parentheses? Explain it clearly.

Balaji said:   8 years ago
Guys the precedence for ? : is just higher than assignment (=) hence compiler makes its grouping as below. To avoid confusion of precedence just remember one sentence compiler does its own grouping and starts execution from left to right.
(((((a >=5) ? b)=100): b)=200);

a>=5 results in constant 0 or 1. If 1 b is assigned and (<constant>)=100 remains to assign a value at Left side variable is required. Hence error Lvalue required.

Barige Rajesh said:   8 years ago
Hii Friends.

Syntax of the ternary operator


for the above statement compiler easily identifies all the three expressions of ternary operator. (i.e) exp1=(a>=5?) exp2=(b=100) exp3=(b=200)

But for the below statement,


The compiler could not identify from where to where the third expression is?

However, the compiler can understand that before to "?" is the expression1 and between "?" and ":" is expression2.

The compiler could not understand from where to where the expression3 is???? because the ternary operator is right to left the association.

You might think that between ":" to ";" why can't a compiler identify it as an expression3.

the semicolon is only an end of the statement indicator.

So, now if you give statement as follows,

now compiler can understand that (b=200) as an expression3. so it, not an error.

Shivaprakash a said:   9 years ago
Hey guys I compiled and executed in linux ubuntu with terminal.

Got 'lvalue' error initially with a >= 5 ? b = 100: 200; as given in question.

Tried b = a >= 5 ? b = 100: b = 200; also gave same error.

Hence no variable required. Just use parenthesis works for me. Also thanking @Parveen soni.

a >= 5 ? (b = 100) : (b = 200).

Naveen said:   9 years ago
Explain this logic:

c = 0.
b = a%10;
c = c+b;
a = a/10;

Prabhanjan mishra said:   9 years ago
I have compiled on the same code in Microsoft Visual C++ then the output will be 100 because the logic behind this is.

If b>5; then b=100.

Otherwise if b should be 200.

(condition) ? true : false.

Gourav said:   9 years ago
int main()
int a = 4, b=1;
a >=5 ? b=100: 200;
printf("%d\n", b);
return 0;

Output is 1 why? It must be 200 right.

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