Biochemistry - Protein Structure

Why should I learn to solve Biochemistry questions and answers section on "Protein Structure"?

Learn and practise solving Biochemistry questions and answers section on "Protein Structure" to enhance your skills so that you can clear interviews, competitive examinations, and various entrance tests (CAT, GATE, GRE, MAT, bank exams, railway exams, etc.) with full confidence.

Where can I get the Biochemistry questions and answers section on "Protein Structure"?

IndiaBIX provides you with numerous Biochemistry questions and answers based on "Protein Structure" along with fully solved examples and detailed explanations that will be easy to understand.

Where can I get the Biochemistry section on "Protein Structure" MCQ-type interview questions and answers (objective type, multiple choice)?

Here you can find multiple-choice Biochemistry questions and answers based on "Protein Structure" for your placement interviews and competitive exams. Objective-type and true-or-false-type questions are given too.

How do I download the Biochemistry questions and answers section on "Protein Structure" in PDF format?

You can download the Biochemistry quiz questions and answers section on "Protein Structure" as PDF files or eBooks.

How do I solve Biochemistry quiz problems based on "Protein Structure"?

You can easily solve Biochemistry quiz problems based on "Protein Structure" by practising the given exercises, including shortcuts and tricks.

Exercise : Protein Structure - Section 1
  • Protein Structure - Section 1
Beta pleated sheets are examples of protein's
primary structure
secondary structure
tertiary structure
quaternary structure
Answer: Option
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BRACl, an inherited form of breast cancer, regulates cell division by
binding to a DNA sequence
complexing with cyclins
binding to the cell outer membrane
binding to the protein RAD 51 which repairs DNA damage
Answer: Option
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Metastasis involves
ability of cells to dissolve cellular matrix
metalloprotein levels
decreased levels of proteins that regulate metalloproteins
all of the above
Answer: Option
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Signal sequences are part of a protein that
signal folding of the protein
signal the protein synthesis on the ribosomes is ended
transport proteins to other sites within the cell
refold proteins in prion-associated diseases
Answer: Option
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Individuals with PKU disease are mentally retarded unless
phenylalanine in the diet is restricted
tyrosine in the diet is restricted
homogentisic acid in the diet is restricted
none of the above
Answer: Option
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