Aptitude - Races and Games - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Races and Games - General Questions (Q.No. 8)
In a game of 100 points, A can give B 20 points and C 28 points. Then, B can give C:
8 points
10 points
14 points
40 points
Answer: Option

A : B = 100 : 80.

A : C = 100 : 72.

B = B x A = 80 x 100 = 10 = 100 = 100 : 90.
C A C 100 72 9 90

B can give C 10 points.

13 comments Page 1 of 2.

Maka M said:   4 years ago
We can use it in other way.

A:B:C = 100:80:72.

Here the question calculate the B can give C. So;
B:C =80 :72 ------B/C=80/72.

B is 100 points then C = 72B/80 here B = 100
C= (72 * 100)/80 = 90.

So, B can give C is = 100 - 90 = 10.

Pavithra said:   5 years ago
Why multiple 10/9 with 10?

Kiran said:   7 years ago

In 100 point game b gets only 80 point and C gets 72 point.
Where B gets 80, C can get 72 point, here at this time B gets 80 points but in our question, we need to calculate for 100 points.

WIn 80 point game B beat C by 8 point.
Then in 100 point game B beat C by 10 point.


Leo. said:   7 years ago

I am not able to understand these kinds of problems. Please, could someone explain clearly?


Namrata said:   9 years ago
How 10/9 became 100/90?

Why 10/9 multiply by 10/10?

Rajesh said:   9 years ago
Couldn't understand the problem? What is being asked and what to solve?

Vinay said:   10 years ago
From b:c we know 80-72 = 8.

i.e from 80 points b can give c 8 points.

In time and work problems we assume work is always one (1).

In the same way we have to calculate for 100 points in races topic because getting 100 points is the game winner.

For 80 b can give c 8 points.
For 100 b can give c 10 points.

Makau said:   1 decade ago
Am getting 80/72 why is it 100/90?

Ambica said:   1 decade ago
I didn't get the 2nd last step.

Can anyone explain that?

How 10/9 became 100/90 why?

Why we multiplied 10/9*10/10?

Kapil said:   1 decade ago
How is ration of B 80 and that of C is 72?

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