Aptitude - Races and Games - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Races and Games - General Questions (Q.No. 13)
In a 100 m race, A can beat B by 25 m and B can beat C by 4 m. In the same race, A can beat C by:
21 m
26 m
28 m
29 m
Answer: Option

A : B = 100 : 75

B : C = 100 : 96.

A : C = A x B = 100 x 100 = 100 = 100 : 72.
B C 75 96 72

A beats C by (100 - 72) m = 28 m.

11 comments Page 2 of 2.

Vishal ahire NIPER said:   1 year ago
A:B:C an important ratio,
when, A = 100 then at that time B = 75
when B = 100 then at that time C = 96
so, according to ratio A:B: C = 100:75:X
Let, calculate according to that when,
when B = 100 then C=96 so if B = 75 then C = ?

by cross-calculation we can determine, if
B is 100 = C is 96,
B is 75 = C is X.

X= (75 x 96)/100,
X= 72,

so, if A:B:C = 100:75:72.

The difference between the distance the A and C is (100-72 = 28).

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