Verbal Reasoning - Venn Diagrams - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Venn Diagrams - Venn Diagram 1 (Q.No. 38)
Directions to Solve
Each of these questions given below contains three elements. These elements may or may not have some inter linkage. Each group of elements may fit into one of these diagrams at (A), (B), (C), (D) and/or (E). You have to indicate the group of elements which correctly fits into the diagrams.

Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Football, Player and Field ?
Answer: Option
Football, Players and Field all are different.
53 comments Page 3 of 6.

Ravi DS said:   5 years ago
A is the correct answer. The field is not for only football and a player can play football.

NISHA YADAV said:   5 years ago
The correct answer should be B.

Rajeev said:   5 years ago
Why not option B? Please explain me.

Vikash said:   4 years ago
A is the correct answer as there is a relation between football and player & football and field so A can be the correct answer.

Ann said:   4 years ago
D is the correct answer because Football is played by player and Player plays in the field.

Hammad said:   4 years ago
Option B is correct because in a field there is football and player. Football and player is different from each other but they both are in field.

Halu said:   3 years ago
Very confusing. Anyone, help me to get the answer.

Sahin said:   9 years ago
What @Lipika said? I am not understanding.

Toto_chang said:   1 decade ago
I agree with Vidya they are all related to each other.

The ans should be "D".

Sundar said:   1 decade ago
To: Vidya, Toto_Chang

You are all wrong.

A Football cannot be a Player or Field.
A Player cannot be a Field or Football.
A Field cannot be a Player or Football.

All are different. So the given answer is correct.

Note: The relation should be like the given below.

A man can be a player.
A human can be male.
Apple is a Fruit
A fruit can be an apple
... etc.

Hope this help you. Have a nice day!

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