Verbal Reasoning - Venn Diagrams - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Venn Diagrams - Venn Diagram 1 (Q.No. 38)
Directions to Solve
Each of these questions given below contains three elements. These elements may or may not have some inter linkage. Each group of elements may fit into one of these diagrams at (A), (B), (C), (D) and/or (E). You have to indicate the group of elements which correctly fits into the diagrams.
Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Football, Player and Field ?
Answer: Option
Football, Players and Field all are different.
53 comments Page 6 of 6.
Nilesh said:
8 years ago
No, since player and football will be in the field but are diff from each other.
Ishant said:
8 years ago
B is correct and in other's perception C may be correct but not A and D.
B is correct and in other's perception C may be correct but not A and D.
Vidya said:
1 decade ago
How they all are different? They are related to each other.
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