Verbal Reasoning - Classification - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Classification - Section 13 (Q.No. 48)
Directions to Solve
In each of the following questions, some groups of letters are given, all of which, except one, share a common similarity while one is different. Choose the odd one out.
Choose the odd one out.
Answer: Option
In all other groups, the letters are alternate and the middle two are small letters.
5 comments Page 1 of 1.
Siddhartha Chakraborty said:
2 years ago
The right answer is A.
Kumaraguru said:
4 years ago
The right answer is A.
Aditya said:
6 years ago
The correct option should be (A) as :
1st letter is capital and last one is small only in (A).
1st letter is capital and last one is small only in (A).
Neha said:
1 decade ago
Two letters capital and two small but not in option A.
Rajasekar said:
1 decade ago
The middle two letter is also small here.
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