Verbal Reasoning - Character Puzzles - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Character Puzzles - Character Puzzles 1 (Q.No. 1)

Which one will replace the question mark ?

Answer: Option

How the number is obtained?

2 + 4 = 6

5 + 9 = 14


3 + 5 = 8

Therefore, the answer is K8.

20 comments Page 1 of 2.

Fbdd said:   3 years ago
Thanks everyone for explaining the answer.

Armogan said:   4 years ago
Here the Base numbers of first two alphabets r added to get the third alphabet Base number.

A2 + C4 = E6 ,similarly.
G3 + I5 = K8 and

You can observe the table in which column-wise also the last box contains a Base number which is the sum of above two boxes, One can also get an idea that the middlebox Base number can be obtained by subtracting the first box and last box Base numbers.

Abijit said:   5 years ago
Didn't understand. Please anyone explain me.

Shaiju simon said:   5 years ago
A2+C4 = E6.
G3+i5 = k8.
M5+O9 = Q14.

Akshita said:   6 years ago
I don't understand. Please explain it 2 me.

Nid said:   7 years ago
@Ravi Shankar.

5+7+3=15=1+5 = 6,
20+30+10=60=6+0 = 6,
95+45+x=23+x=2+3+x = 5+x,
At x we need a number. Whose sum is 1 so as to make it 6.

Like 55,82,10,100 etc..

Shree said:   7 years ago
95 * 2-45 = 145.

Chotu Naz charak said:   7 years ago
Simply, Guys just ignore the alphabet and their gap. Just count the digit horizontally and I hope you will get the right answer as K8 comes here.

Ravi shankar said:   7 years ago
5, 7, 3.
20, 30, 10.
95, 45, ?

Please answer this question.

Shibani pradhan said:   8 years ago
Option d is the correct answer. I agree.

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