Verbal Reasoning - Character Puzzles - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Character Puzzles - Character Puzzles 1 (Q.No. 2)

Which one will replace the question mark ?

Answer: Option

(5 + 4 + 7)/2 = 8

(6 + 9 + 5)/2 = 10

(3 + 7 + 2)/2 = 6.

12 comments Page 1 of 2.

Clinton said:   1 year ago
Add the first and third values and subtract it from the second value which is (5+7) -4=8.

Similarly, now take a first and second value add it and then subtract it from the last value which is (6+9) -5=10.
Similarly, take the second and third values, add them and then subtract it from the first value (7+2) -3 =6.

Sequence looks like;

1 represents addition.
0 represents subtraction.

[1 0 1].
[1 1 0].
[0 1 1].

Sharukh said:   3 years ago
Super answer. Thanks.

Shreyas Singh said:   4 years ago
5+4+7 = 16 , half of 16 is 8.
6+9+5 = 20, half of 20 is 10.
3+7+2 = 12, half of 12 is 6.

Monica said:   4 years ago
Thanks for the explanation @Hira.

Nishita kadian said:   4 years ago
Good explanation, thanks @Hira.

Sulci said:   7 years ago
We can do 7-4 =3+5=8, in same way trick get apply then how can a question has 2 trick.

Thanvi said:   8 years ago
Why it is divided by 2?

Balu said:   8 years ago
Your explanation is awesome, Thanks @Hiri.

Ruhulaminchoudhury said:   8 years ago
Smallest number among square * 2 givesthe answer is also possible.
i.e 5 4 7, 4 *2 = 8 .
6 9 5then 5 * 2 = 10 therefore 3 7 2...2 * 2 = 4.

Hira said:   8 years ago
1) 5 4 7
Here 7 is the greatest number keep aside, add the rest (5+4)= 9 , the number in between 7 and 9 is 8.

2) 6 9 5
Similarly - 9 greatest keep aside add the rest (6+5) = 11, number in between 9 and 11 is 10,

3) Apply the same thing - 3 7 2
add the lowest number 3+2 = 5. Number between 5 and 7 is 6.

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