Verbal Ability - Spotting Errors - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Spotting Errors - Section 1 (Q.No. 2)
Directions to Solve

Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 'D'. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).


(solve as per the direction given above)

An Indian ship
laden with merchandise
got drowned in the Pacific Ocean.
No error.
Answer: Option
sank in the Pacific Ocean
126 comments Page 1 of 13.

Vaibhav Limkar said:   4 months ago
The Verb "sank" and drowned" in the same in meaning but usage is different.

Sank = used for non-living things.
Drowned = used for living things.

Srishti said:   6 months ago
Correct answer: An Indian ship laden with merchandise sank in the Pacific Ocean.

Got drowned is incorrect, usually, we use drown but for non-living things so, we use the sink.

Athira H said:   1 year ago
It's C, because I think the usage of got is not right. It's already mentioned about the drowned.

Rohit said:   1 year ago
The words sink and drown have the same meaning but different usage.

Sink-sank-sunk is used for non-living things.

Drown-drowned-drowned is used for living things.

Bedabyas said:   2 years ago
Got drawned is incorrect, only got drawn or drawned can be used.

Correct me, if I'm wrong.

MOHD SULTAN said:   2 years ago
The verbs 'Sink and Drown' have the meaning same but the usages are different.

Sink (Second & Third forms: sank, sunk) is used for non-living things.

Drown (Second & Third forms: drowned, drowned) is used for living things.

Deepak said:   2 years ago
Laden or Laded is the past form of lade.

Parikshit Das said:   2 years ago
Drowned is used for living things, that suffocate while submerging.

Shikha said:   3 years ago
'sank in the Pacific Ocean' as sank is used when an object thrown in water weighs more than the water it displaces, it sinks down.

So, we can have a sinking ship, a sunk boat, a sunk box etc. Drown means suffocating under water and dying.

Jagruti Sarode said:   3 years ago
The correct sentence is "The Indian ship laden with merchandise got drowned in the Pacific Ocean" it should be "The Indian Ship" not "An Indian".

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