Verbal Ability - Sentence Improvement - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Sentence Improvement - Section 1 (Q.No. 87)
Directions to Solve
In questions given below, a part of the sentence is italicised and underlined. Below are given alternatives to the italicised part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, option 'D' is the answer.
Not long back, in Japan, a mysterious nerve gas affected a large number of people.
10 comments Page 1 of 1.
Manish said:
1 year ago
I think effected is the right one.
Mannoj said:
5 years ago
Affect is negative.
Effect can be both negative and positive.
Effect can be both negative and positive.
Benito said:
6 years ago
INFEST--present in large numbers ex: the house is infested with insects.
Sony said:
7 years ago
AFFECT- Make a difference.
EFFECT-Bring out the results.
INFECTED-Contaminated their health.
EFFECT-Bring out the results.
INFECTED-Contaminated their health.
Vikash said:
9 years ago
Only a disease can infect you.
Roberto said:
1 decade ago
In medical terminology an infection always involves the reproduction (multiplication) of organisms inside a host. Poisoning is a non-infectious ailment because poisons cannot self-reproduce. Other illnesses like Alzheimer and genetic diseases are also non-infectious diseases.
So, technically you get AFFECTED by poisonous gas , not INFECTED by it.
So, technically you get AFFECTED by poisonous gas , not INFECTED by it.
Major said:
1 decade ago
I agree. A disease can infect you but gas affects you in some way. Laughing gas causes one to laugh uncontrollably.
Praveen said:
1 decade ago
Infect - you have been contaminated by some kind of disease.
Ram said:
1 decade ago
How can it infect the people?
Nirmaljot said:
1 decade ago
How can a gas infect people?
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