Verbal Ability - One Word Substitutes - Discussion
Discussion Forum : One Word Substitutes - Section 1 (Q.No. 2)
Directions to Solve
In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.
That which cannot be corrected
Answer: Option
Incorrigible (Adjective): (of a person or their tendencies) Not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed.
12 comments Page 1 of 2.
Anira said:
7 years ago
When we use incorrigible?
Prachi gupta said:
7 years ago
How incorrigble be used in sentence making?
Komolroy said:
8 years ago
Not intelligible; not capable of being understood.
Not intelligible; not capable of being understood.
Harish said:
9 years ago
A handwriting that cannot be read.
Samaira said:
9 years ago
Indelible is incapable of being canceled, delete, lost or forgotten.
Monu singh said:
10 years ago
Not similar of indelible & incorrigible.
Jaya said:
10 years ago
Indelible and incorrigible both having similar meanings then why not both?
Saiteja said:
1 decade ago
Corrigible means - capable of being corrected or set right.
Incorrigible - Impervious to correction by punishment.
Incorrigible - Impervious to correction by punishment.
Bagya said:
1 decade ago
Unintelligible means Impossible to understand.
Indelible means that can't be removed or corrected.
Illegible means unreadable.
Incorrigible means that cannot be corrected or improved.
Hence incorrigible will be the answer.
Indelible means that can't be removed or corrected.
Illegible means unreadable.
Incorrigible means that cannot be corrected or improved.
Hence incorrigible will be the answer.
Smiley said:
1 decade ago
It is impossible to change his incorrigible attitude.
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