Verbal Ability - One Word Substitutes - Discussion
Discussion Forum : One Word Substitutes - Section 1 (Q.No. 10)
Directions to Solve
In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.
A prima facie case is such
10 comments Page 1 of 1.
Star said:
4 years ago
Please, can you explain why it is A?
Kaushal said:
6 years ago
Well explained @Anaya.
Anaya said:
7 years ago
It is option A because.
When the prosecution (which bears the evidential burden of proof) in a criminal case concludes its submission, the state's case is said to be prima facie if the evidence presented is sufficient for a conviction.
But when the evidence is not sufficient. There is an option for the defence to submit their proofs.
When the prosecution (which bears the evidential burden of proof) in a criminal case concludes its submission, the state's case is said to be prima facie if the evidence presented is sufficient for a conviction.
But when the evidence is not sufficient. There is an option for the defence to submit their proofs.
Apple said:
7 years ago
Why not B? Please explain.
Raj said:
7 years ago
Why shouldn't it be B as A and B are almost same?
Sanjeet kumar sharma said:
1 decade ago
Prima Facia is a latin world Witch means First Look.
Deepika said:
1 decade ago
Prima facie denotes evidence.
Bharath said:
1 decade ago
Based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise.
"a prima facie case of professional misconduct"
Latin, from primus \'first\' + facies \'face\'.
"a prima facie case of professional misconduct"
Latin, from primus \'first\' + facies \'face\'.
Satish kaul said:
1 decade ago
What appears to an open eye and conceived by mind instantly is prima facie.
Deepti said:
1 decade ago
In common practice the term prima facie is used to describe the apparent nature of something upon initial observation.
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