Verbal Ability - Idioms and Phrases - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Idioms and Phrases - Section 2 (Q.No. 3)
Directions to Solve
In the following questions four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase italicised and underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiom/phrase.
He passed himself off as a noble man.
9 comments Page 1 of 1.
Gfsxvh said:
2 years ago
How could find idioms and phrases? Please anyone help me.
Nishant said:
2 years ago
Passed himself of basically means someone disguised himself and pretended to be someone else.
Aryakumari said:
7 years ago
Passed himself off as a noble man means pretended or assumed himself to be a noble man. It's clearly seen here.
Sandy said:
8 years ago
Pass someone/something off as something. " phrasal verb with pass us verb. To try to make others believe that someone or something is something other than what the person or thing is: Maurice is trying to pass himself off as a journalist to get admitted to the press conference.
Naresh said:
8 years ago
Please anyone explain it.
Sharanya said:
9 years ago
Can anyone please explain it clearly?
Deeksha said:
10 years ago
Passed himself means pretended.
Nasser said:
1 decade ago
Is it, Conspiring against anyone for his loss & at the sametime being friendly and showning grief on his loss.
Jit said:
1 decade ago
Preteneted to be means banality i.e. unoriginal.
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