Verbal Ability - Idioms and Phrases - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Idioms and Phrases - Section 2 (Q.No. 98)
Directions to Solve
In the following questions four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase italicised and underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiom/phrase.
The P.M has pulled up Orissa partymen.
4 comments Page 1 of 1.
Kasenya said:
9 years ago
To reprove or rebuke. So reprimand is correct.
Example: They were pulled up for wasting money.
Example: They were pulled up for wasting money. said:
9 years ago
Reprimand is correct as it means to rebuke or disapprove, and pulled up means disapprove.
Gaja said:
9 years ago
Meaning of reprimand?
Scholarstical said:
10 years ago
To pull someone up is to drag or haul the person up I believe elevate is a more appropriate answer.
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