Verbal Ability - Closet Test - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Closet Test - Section 3 (Q.No. 1)
Directions to Solve
The principal advantage in having a clear cut objective of business is that it does not derail; the enterprise does not stray ...(1)... the direct route that it has set for ...(2)... Enterprises with well defined objectives can conveniently undertake ...(3)... and follow long range development policies. Recognition of objectives ...(4)... the temptation to compromise long range ...(5)... for short term gains and improves coordination in work and consistency in policy.
(solve as per the direction given above)
12 comments Page 1 of 2.
Amit said:
1 year ago
@Ujala Narayan.
The sense has to be that the company does not derail "from" the path it is supposed to take. Using "towards" instead will not make sense as one can only derail (move away) "from" path. "Towards" will only be suitable if one has to get closer to the path. I hope it helps you understand the perspective.
The sense has to be that the company does not derail "from" the path it is supposed to take. Using "towards" instead will not make sense as one can only derail (move away) "from" path. "Towards" will only be suitable if one has to get closer to the path. I hope it helps you understand the perspective.
Ujala Narayan said:
2 years ago
Why not towards?
Please explain.
Please explain.
Rauf lala said:
6 years ago
How do you know @Priti.
Munchun said:
6 years ago
Thanks for the answer @Pritt.
Abhishek said:
7 years ago
When to exactly use from, for, on, since, while, when? Please explain it with an example.
Nisha said:
8 years ago
I agree @Pritt.
Chanchal said:
9 years ago
From giving the relation between stray and direct route.
Harish said:
9 years ago
I want clear explanation dude.
Deepali naresh kumar said:
1 decade ago
What is the logic found besides solving these questions?
Prashant said:
1 decade ago
Why we are not use on?
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