Verbal Ability - Antonyms - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Antonyms - Section 2 (Q.No. 1)
Directions to Solve
Each sentences below consist of a word or a phrase which is bold. It is followed by four words or phrases. Select the word or pharse which is closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase.
History abounds in instances of courage.
5 comments Page 1 of 1.
Mohana said:
6 years ago
Abound means exist in large numbers or amounts or something having enough.
Lack means the state of being without or not having enough of something.
Lack means the state of being without or not having enough of something.
Roo said:
7 years ago
What is the meaning of abound?
Kd7 said:
7 years ago
Abound means have in large amount so suffices should be the most appropriate answer.
Lokman said:
9 years ago
Suffices means be enough or adequate.
GYMK said:
1 decade ago
Abound means adequate.
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