Python Programming - Exception Handling

Why should I learn to solve Python Programming questions and answers section on "Exception Handling"?

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Where can I get the Python Programming questions and answers section on "Exception Handling"?

IndiaBIX provides you with numerous Python Programming questions and answers based on "Exception Handling" along with fully solved examples and detailed explanations that will be easy to understand.

Where can I get the Python Programming section on "Exception Handling" MCQ-type interview questions and answers (objective type, multiple choice)?

Here you can find multiple-choice Python Programming questions and answers based on "Exception Handling" for your placement interviews and competitive exams. Objective-type and true-or-false-type questions are given too.

How do I download the Python Programming questions and answers section on "Exception Handling" in PDF format?

You can download the Python Programming quiz questions and answers section on "Exception Handling" as PDF files or eBooks.

How do I solve Python Programming quiz problems based on "Exception Handling"?

You can easily solve Python Programming quiz problems based on "Exception Handling" by practising the given exercises, including shortcuts and tricks.

Exercise : Exception Handling - General Questions
  • Exception Handling - General Questions
In Python, what is the purpose of the assert statement?
To handle exceptions
To define custom exception classes
To check if a condition is True, otherwise raise an AssertionError
To terminate the program immediately
Answer: Option
The assert statement is used to check if a condition is True. If the condition is False, it raises an AssertionError, allowing you to catch unexpected conditions during development.

Consider the following Python code:
    result = 10 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
    result = "Error: Division by zero"
What will be the value of "result" after the execution of this code?
"Error: Division by zero"
Answer: Option
The code attempts to divide by zero, which raises a ZeroDivisionError. The exception is caught, and "result" is assigned the string "Error: Division by zero."

Which of the following is a built-in exception in Python for handling errors related to accessing a key that does not exist in a dictionary?
Answer: Option
A KeyError is raised when attempting to access a key in a dictionary that does not exist.

In Python, what is the purpose of the else block in exception handling?
It is executed if an exception occurs
It is used to define custom exception classes
It is executed if no exception occurs in the try block
It is used to raise exceptions
Answer: Option
The else block is executed only if no exceptions are raised in the associated "try" block. It is used to specify code that should run when there are no exceptions.

What is the purpose of the pass statement in exception handling?
To re-raise an exception
To ignore an exception and continue with the program execution
To define custom exception classes
To print the exception message
Answer: Option
The pass statement is used as a placeholder to ignore an exception and continue with the program execution when no action is required.