Python Programming - Encapsulation

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Exercise : Encapsulation - General Questions
  • Encapsulation - General Questions
In Python, what is encapsulation?
The process of hiding the implementation details of an object and exposing only the necessary functionalities
The process of combining data and methods into a single unit
The process of creating multiple instances of a class
The process of inheriting attributes and behaviors from another class
Answer: Option
Encapsulation in Python involves bundling the data and methods of a class and controlling access to the internal details, exposing only the necessary functionalities.

Which access specifier in Python is used to indicate that a variable or method should only be accessed within the same class?
Answer: Option
Private access specifier in Python is denoted by a single underscore (_), and it indicates that the variable or method should only be accessed within the same class.

What is the purpose of the @property decorator?
To define a class property
To create a class instance
To access a class attribute
To define a getter method for a class attribute
Answer: Option
The @property decorator is used in Python to define a getter method for a class attribute, allowing controlled access.

Which of the following statements about encapsulation in Python is true?
Encapsulation is primarily concerned with combining data and methods into a single unit.
Encapsulation allows unrestricted access to the internal details of an object.
Encapsulation is achieved through the use of global variables.
Encapsulation involves exposing all implementation details of an object.
Answer: Option
Encapsulation in Python involves bundling data and methods into a single unit, promoting modularity and controlled access.

What is the main advantage of encapsulation in object-oriented programming?
It simplifies the process of class instantiation.
It allows for the creation of multiple instances of a class.
It promotes code reusability.
It enhances data security by hiding implementation details.
Answer: Option
The main advantage of encapsulation is that it enhances data security by hiding the implementation details of an object, preventing direct access and manipulation.