Non Verbal Reasoning - Analytical Reasoning - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Analytical Reasoning - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
Find the number of triangles in the given figure.
Answer: Option
The figure may be labelled as shown.
The simplest triangles are AHG, AIG, AIB, JFE, CJE and CED i.e. 6 in number.
The triangles composed of two components each are ABG, CFE, ACJ and EGI i.e. 4 in number.
The triangles composed of three components each are ACE, AGE and CFD i.e. 3 in number.
There is only one triangle i.e. AHE composed of four components.
Therefore, There are 6 + 4 + 3 + 1 = 14 triangles in the given figure.
53 comments Page 2 of 6.
S.sri harini said:
1 decade ago
Can we have any formula to solve these kind of problems?
Chand said:
1 decade ago
Is there any standard such formula. I tried this formula for a structure a star with in a circle. It didn't work. Please tell me?
Is there any standard such formula. I tried this formula for a structure a star with in a circle. It didn't work. Please tell me?
Gajanan Konge said:
1 decade ago
@ Priyanka.
This formula doesn't work as, there is one more triangle present in the figure and it is AHE (That comprises of the four components).
This formula doesn't work as, there is one more triangle present in the figure and it is AHE (That comprises of the four components).
Srini said:
1 decade ago
What are the limitation to apply this formula,
No.of total nodes + 2(no.of inner nodes).
What are the limitation to apply this formula,
No.of total nodes + 2(no.of inner nodes).
Raghu said:
1 decade ago
Is there any shortcut to find these kind of questions?
Suman sharma said:
1 decade ago
What is nodes?
Madhu said:
1 decade ago
Node means point.
Sowmya said:
1 decade ago
What is meant by nodes?
Bhuvanesh said:
1 decade ago
Nodes means intersecting points.
Ali said:
1 decade ago
Can any one explain components again?
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