Non Verbal Reasoning - Analytical Reasoning - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Analytical Reasoning - Section 1 (Q.No. 2)
Find the minimum number of straight lines required to make the given figure.
Answer: Option
The figure may be labelled as shown.
The horizontal lines are IK, AB, HG and DC i.e. 4 in number.
The vertical lines are AD, EH, JM, FG and BC i.e. 5 in number.
The slanting lines are IE, JE, JF, KF, DE, DH, FC and GC i.e. 8 is number.
Thus, there are 4 + 5 + 8 = 17 straight lines in the figure.
41 comments Page 5 of 5.
Suresh said:
1 decade ago
Why did not you consider as the EL and LF are consider as lines?
Why did not you take the EF as straight lines?
Why did not you take the EF as straight lines?
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