Non Verbal Reasoning - Analytical Reasoning - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Analytical Reasoning - Section 1 (Q.No. 2)

Find the minimum number of straight lines required to make the given figure.

Answer: Option

The figure may be labelled as shown.

The horizontal lines are IK, AB, HG and DC i.e. 4 in number.

The vertical lines are AD, EH, JM, FG and BC i.e. 5 in number.

The slanting lines are IE, JE, JF, KF, DE, DH, FC and GC i.e. 8 is number.

Thus, there are 4 + 5 + 8 = 17 straight lines in the figure.

41 comments Page 1 of 5.

Anonymous said:   3 weeks ago
Two squares are having 1 line common, so a total of 7 lines form the two squares.
There are two big triangles above the squares having 1 line common that adds up to 5 lines.
There is 1 line in between the triangles, which is common to the small square.
At last, there are two triangles from the small square. that makes 4 lines
7 + 5 + 1 + 4 = 17.

Astro said:   2 years ago

First find out simple horizontal lines which can be IK, HG, AB & DC.
Now cross those out if your doing this on a paper.
Now keep finding vertical and slanting.
Then simply add all the lines you got together.

Rakesh said:   1 decade ago
@Suresh EL and LF are on AB so AB alone is sufficient to draw the givendiagram

@Sharmie any line joining two point is a straight line.

John Mathew said:   3 years ago
They have not asked us to count line segments. They have asked us to find out minimum number of straight lines required to make figure.

Saranya said:   3 years ago
Horizontal lines+ vertical lines+ inclined lines = total no of lines .
H -> 4
V -> 5
I -> 8

So, 17 is the answer.

Suresh said:   1 decade ago
Why did not you consider as the EL and LF are consider as lines?

Why did not you take the EF as straight lines?

Azhar said:   1 decade ago

Stated as rohit and Rakesh, We can take minimum Qty of line. Since Ef on AB, AB is sufficient.

Bhavya said:   2 years ago
When I count the total number of lines I got a total 24.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Sunny said:   10 years ago
Best way is to draw the figure then itself, it will be easy to find rather than numbering.

Safari said:   5 years ago
EF is a horizontal line so why it does not count? If it includes the answer is 5+5+8=18.

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