Microbiology - DNA Replication - Discussion
Discussion Forum : DNA Replication - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
Both strands of DNA serve as templates concurrently in
10 comments Page 1 of 1.
6 years ago
Both DNA strand particate during DNA replication because the leading strand is replicated continuosly and lagging strand also at the same time being replicated discontinuosly.
Muwanguzi simon Peter said:
7 years ago
During DNA replication, The double helix of DNA will separate the lead strand will copy the 3' to 5' therefore form 5' 3' and the 2nd now copy in reverse this is the lagging strand. So both participate.
Oduro amponsah said:
9 years ago
During DNA replication the double helix of the DNA will separate with each serving as a template for copying another complementary strand.
Namita singh said:
9 years ago
Because in replication both strands are firstly separated than make a own complementary strands, so both strands serve as a template strand.
Hope said:
9 years ago
In replication DNA is unwinded by an enzyme called topoisomerase into single stranded.
10 years ago
To have double stranded daughter DNA, both strands should serve as templates.
Naman gohil said:
1 decade ago
As DNA is double stranded, so for the production of new daughter DNA both the two strains of parent DNA should be copied in order to make daughter DNA double strand. So both strands serve as template.
Microaksh said:
1 decade ago
At the time of replication of DNA, both strands gets untwisted at beginning and forms fork structure.
On both strands new daughter strands forms.
On both strands new daughter strands forms.
Mitrabinda panda said:
1 decade ago
As DNA is double stranded, so for the production of new daughter DNA both the two strains of parent DNA should be copied in order to make daughter DNA double strand. So both strands serve as template.
Pratibha said:
1 decade ago
As the replication occur on both strands of the DNA this leads to for the production more amount of DNA a the same time.
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