Microbiology - Bacteria Morphology - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Bacteria Morphology - Section 1 (Q.No. 3)
Flagella move the cell by
many flagella beating in a synchronous, whip-like motion
an individual flagellum beating in a whip-like motion
spinning like a propeller
attaching to nearby particles and contracting
Answer: Option
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6 comments Page 1 of 1.

Sylvester ombima said:   1 decade ago
Flagella facilitates movement in bacteria cell, this is enabled as it propels by spinning around.

Mark said:   1 decade ago
But what of it whip like motion? i.e moves side ways. I think the answer should have been A or B not C.

Yasoob said:   10 years ago
Many but not all bacteria exhibit motility, i.e. self-propelled motion, under appropriate circumstances.

Dhathri said:   9 years ago
But they didn't give or mentioned about a particular cell's flagella then how can we decide it moves as a propeller why not whip like motion.

Lillipearl said:   8 years ago
The flagella of the bacteria rotates, spinning the bacteria and propelling the bacteria move foward. That is how the flagella of the bateria moves by the cell.

MSN said:   5 years ago
Flagella are moving in under the motility part the spinning like propeller are present they help to move forward.

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