Mechanical Engineering - Strength of Materials - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Strength of Materials - Section 1 (Q.No. 22)
Strain rosettes are used to
9 comments Page 1 of 1.
Isai Visaahan said:
6 months ago
A strain gauge rosette is a term for an arrangement of two or more strain gauges that are positioned closely to measure strains along different directions of the component under evaluation.
Single strain gauges can only measure strain effectively in one direction, so the use of multiple strain gauges enables more measurements to be taken, providing a more precise evaluation of strain on the surface being measured.
Single strain gauges can only measure strain effectively in one direction, so the use of multiple strain gauges enables more measurements to be taken, providing a more precise evaluation of strain on the surface being measured.
Subhash uppu said:
4 years ago
What is strain rosettes used? Please explain.
Amsal said:
6 years ago
Staring rosseter is a device used to measure shear strain not linear stain.
Rubbal said:
6 years ago
What is the working principle of rosette?
Dnyanada Ahire said:
8 years ago
Yeah, It's rosettes. It Used to measure linear strain and it can measure the strain in only 1 direction.
Suresh said:
8 years ago
Rosette is a device which used to measure linear stain.
Imran said:
10 years ago
What is mean by relive strain and how can we measure it?
Abhishek said:
1 decade ago
What is used to measure shear strain and volumetric strain?
Amit said:
1 decade ago
Strain rosettes are used to measure linear strain.
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