Mechanical Engineering - Steam Boilers and Engines - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Steam Boilers and Engines - Section 1 (Q.No. 19)
Fire tube boilers are
7 comments Page 1 of 1.
Govardhan said:
7 years ago
In fire tube boilers, the fire produced on grate flows through the tubes and the surrounding area consists of steam which is generated from the boiled water. The answer is internally fired, because the fire flows inside the tubes not the outside.
Danish said:
8 years ago
Option c is correct because there are both internally as well as externally fired fire tube boilers used.
Dev said:
7 years ago
Locomotive and Lancashire are externally fired and scotch marine and package boiler internally fired.
Jinson Disilva said:
4 years ago
Fire tube boiler are external fried one because they used in stationary purposes.
Dev said:
7 years ago
Automotive and lancashire are externally and package type are internaly.
Muddasser hussain said:
7 years ago
HRT boiler, Locomotive are examples of external fired.
Vicky said:
7 years ago
Which fire tube boiler in externally fired
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