Mechanical Engineering - Production Engineering - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Production Engineering - Section 4 (Q.No. 6)
An open structure of a grinding wheel is used for
7 comments Page 1 of 1.
Ritam Chakraborty said:
5 years ago
Answer is correct. Open structure used for heavy cuts, soft, tough and ductile material. While Close or dense used for hard and brittle materials.
Mayur said:
5 years ago
Open Structure- It has more voids so they are used for only soft ductile materials.
Close Structure- It has less voids so they are used for only hard materials.
Close Structure- It has less voids so they are used for only hard materials.
5 years ago
Open structure in grinding wheel used for ductile material, whereas the close structure is used for brittle material.
Hon said:
6 years ago
Please explain the right answer.
Lakeeraj said:
6 years ago
Open means corus structure it is used for soft material.
Jordan said:
7 years ago
It is Soft and ductile.
Radhe krishna said:
7 years ago
As per my knowledge it is only for ductile materials.
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