Mechanical Engineering - IC Engines and Nuclear Power Plants - Discussion

Discussion Forum : IC Engines and Nuclear Power Plants - Section 5 (Q.No. 2)
The object of providing masked inlet valve in the air passage of compression ignition engines is to
enhance flow rate
control air flow
induce primary swirl
induce secondary turbulence
Answer: Option
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2 comments Page 1 of 1.

NIKHIL SHUKLA said:   9 years ago

Just search in google as a masked inlet valve and see the diagram.

Only we modify some geometry of valve so that initial swirl could be generate on air before entering the cylinder.

In petrol engine if we increase the turbulence knocking reduces because flame speed increase.

That means anything which increases flame speed in petrol engine that is good for us. Ao increase the primary swirl is also helps us in good mixing of fuel, instant burning and high flame speed.

Sagar said:   9 years ago
What is the meaning of masked inlet valve?

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