Mechanical Engineering - IC Engines and Nuclear Power Plants - Discussion

Discussion Forum : IC Engines and Nuclear Power Plants - Section 1 (Q.No. 3)
In a four stroke cycle, the minimum temperature inside the engine cylinder occurs at the
beginning of suction stroke
end of suction stroke
beginning of exhaust stroke
end of exhaust stroke
Answer: Option
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Rashid Khan Kakar said:   3 years ago
At the end of suction stroke the intake air and fuel temperature will be less so according to my opinion the option B is correct.

Vineeshkumar said:   4 years ago
In the TS diagram, beginning of compression Temperature in the minimum that is the end of suction.

Vineeshkumar said:   4 years ago
Fresh charge with room temp is admitted to the cylinder in the suction stroke. As much as fresh charge better it cools down the cylinder by absorbing heat. So, that temperature decreases.

Vinay BEL said:   4 years ago
It should be at the end of the suction stroke.

Falesh Mahbubani said:   4 years ago
At the end of the exhaust, the temperature of the cylinder is high. At the beginning of suction stroke the fresh air enters the cylinder (low temperature) and by the end of the suction stroke, the intake fresh air becomes hot (high temperature) why? Because it comes in contact with cylinder wall and gets warm and warm until the suction ends. Also by T-S diagram, it is clearly shown that minimum temperature is at the beginning of the suction stroke.

So, the answer is option A.

Rishab Sud said:   4 years ago
Answer B is 100% correct. It's because when suction stroke begin, the temp of incoming air is high due to the high temp of intake manifold. But as the suction is completed, the P decrease inside the cylinder which lead to reduction in temperature.

Pushkar said:   4 years ago
As per my knowledge; the min temp inside the cylinder will be at the end of the suction stroke So, option B is the correct answer.

JOY DEEP said:   5 years ago
RS kurmi p-222.

Look at the pictures of OTTO CYCLE, everyone.
Otto cycle in short: P-T is lowest at the beginning of compression stroke
P-T is highest at the beginning of expansion stroke.

End of discussion. You can thank me later.

Sadhashiv said:   5 years ago
Answer A is correct,

In question they have asked temperature inside cylinder not temperature of cylinder.

Vishal Sharma said:   5 years ago
Volume increase at the end of sunction stroke. But at the same time mass increase. So the net effect will be decrease in temp. At the end of the sunction stroke. Also, it is no where mention in the T-S diagram.

Please explain it clearly.

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