Mechanical Engineering - Compressors, Gas Dynamics and Gas Turbines - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Compressors, Gas Dynamics and Gas Turbines - Section 4 (Q.No. 7)
Which one of the following is the effect of blade shape on performance of a centrifugal compressor ?
8 comments Page 1 of 1.
Vinay said:
4 years ago
B is the right option. I too agree.
Punit said:
5 years ago
Yes, B is the correct answer.
Shishui said:
7 years ago
B is the correct answer.
Mohan said:
7 years ago
D is right.
Forward curved blades produce lower pressure and low efficiency.
Backward curved blades produce high pressure and high efficiency.
Both Forward curved blades and Backward curved blades produce a stable performance.
Forward curved blades produce lower pressure and low efficiency.
Backward curved blades produce high pressure and high efficiency.
Both Forward curved blades and Backward curved blades produce a stable performance.
Vane blower said:
8 years ago
B is the right answer.
Deepak said:
8 years ago
B is the right option.
Surya said:
8 years ago
B is correct answer.
Srinivasa Rao B said:
9 years ago
Option B is right.
Backward curved blades have higher efficiency.
Forward-curved blades have higher efficiency.
Forward-curved blades produce higher pressure ratio.
Backward curved blades have higher efficiency.
Forward-curved blades have higher efficiency.
Forward-curved blades produce higher pressure ratio.
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